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High Power Attenuators 150-2000W




- Low Power attenuators

- DC-50GHz

- In Stock items

Weinchel Associates

Weinchel Associates

Weinchel Associates


- Low Power attenuators

- DC-50GHz

- In Stock items

- Expert in attenuators and terminations

- Low pim

- Custom design


Weinchel Associates


Weinchel Associates



High Power Fixed Attenuators: 150 Watt to 2000 Watts

Model Average Range Peak Power Standard* Attenua- Connectors and
Number Power (W) DC - (GHz) (kW) tion Values (dB) Mounting Notes
WA6 1 50 0.25 1 to 30 2.4 mm
WA50 2 3 1 1 to 50 N
WA1W/6 2 6 1 1 to 60 N
WA3/6 2 6 0.5 1 to 60 SMA
WA3C/6 2 6 0.25 1 to 30 SMA
WA3CH/6 2 6 0.25 1 to 30 SMA
WA3H/6 2 6 0.5 1 to 60 SMA
WA3M/6 2 6 0.5 1 to 60 SMA
WA3T/6 2 6 0.5 1 to 60 SMA
WA18 2 6 1 1 to 30 BNC
WA1W 2 12.4 1 1 to 60 N
WA3 2 12.4 0.5 1 to 60 SMA
WA3C 2 12.4 0.25 1 to 30 SMA
WA3CH 2 12.4 0.25 1 to 30 SMA
WA3H 2 12.4 0.5 1 to 60 SMA
WA3M 2 12.4 0.5 1 to 60 SMA
WA3T 2 12.4 0.5 1 to 60 SMA
WA2W 2 18 1 1 to 60 N
WA32 2 18 0.5 1 to 60 SMA
WA4 2 18 0.5 1 to 60 SMA
WA4C 2 18 0.25 1 to 30 SMA
WA4CH 2 18 0.25 1 to 30 SMA
WA4CH 2 18 0.25 1 to 30 SMA
WA6 1 50 0.25 1 to 30 2.4 mm
WA6 1 50 0.25 1 to 30 2.4 mm
WA6 1 50 0.25 1 to 30 2.4 mm
*Other attenuation values and connector configurations are available